Tag: London

17 November 2019 / Bar Reviews
16 November 2019 / Features

Some food and wine pairings are so iconic that even the most ardent oenophobe could reach for them if pushed, but what if I told you that there’s an exotic pretender to the throne of Muscadet?

10 November 2019 / Restaurant Reviews

Any week in which you find yourself eating lobster three times is a hard week, and I had certainly put in the hours of research in the northeast of Scotland in the days before I sat down for dinner at the new London Bridge home of Bob’s Lobster.

29 October 2018 / Features

In my first piece for Scotchwhisky.com, I argue that too many whisky bars – old and new – are clinging to tired old clichés of tartan and haggis, perpetuating the myth that Scotch is an ‘old man’s drink’. It’s time they caught up with the rest of the whisky industry.


20 October 2017 / Bar Reviews
27 July 2015 / Bar Reviews